Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Real American High Schoolers???

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We talked about this show on MTV in class today called "Skins". I've never heard of it before. Or the British show it's based off of. There's huge controversy about its airing in the United States because of the mature content displayed in it. Since I had no idea what actually goes on in this show, I went to mtv.com tonight to see what's so controversial. Obviously something was up when I had to verify my birthdate because of mature content. Um. Is this porn? Is this illegal? If the company has to have viewers "verify their age" because of "mature content", why is this show being shown on a channel watched mainly by teenaged viewers? Really, "underaged" viewers could type in some phony birthdate and MTV couldn't prove it. Less than ten minutes into watching episode two online, I am disgusted with what's going on. This is supposedly the portrayal of real American high schoolers? What is our world coming to?! Seriously! While at their school, one of the girls pulls out a "travel-sized" bottle of vodka and takes a swig. Really? I'll save you from many other gruesome details of this episode.
So the main controversy about this show and why its advertisers are dropping out fast is the fact that a lot of the actors in the show are under 18. This is a problem because of the risque-ness of the show so there is controversy about child pornography laws. I guess we'll see how this plays out.
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