Monday, January 6, 2014


I was told by my chiropractor that it was possible for intolerances may go away after this detox process, but I was never told anything. About allergies. I've been highly allergic to cats since before I can remember. Before I moved to Aspen, I had a Harry Potter date at the apartment of a good friend. She has a really friendly and silly cat. I pet him then washed my hands. However, I was in his domain, and by the time Harry was told he was a wizard, I could barely see the tv, my eyes were so allergically swollen! (Not that I needed to see the movie to really watch it...I have the whole thing memorized anyway).
A lot of kleenexes, two Benadryl and sleeping in the next day got me over the eyes, drippy nose and almost-exploding headache. 
I recently spent the night at a friends house where there are currently two cats dwelling. The blanket on me that night had been slept on by a cat. There was Benadryl, kleenexes and even my inhaler in my purse, just in case. 
I didn't need them. ANY of them. There wasn't a single drip from my nose. Not a single swollen eye. I woke up the next morning and greeted one of the cats with a little head scratch. And I was still fine. 
Text between Dr. Mike and myself
Dumbfounded, I promptly texted Dr. Mike  on Monday morning. His response was heartwarming. I am now than excited for the future of my nose. There is a strong possibility of not being bedridden when visiting my parents during harvest season. I may be able to — finally — smell the roses. 

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